Guess What Monday Is?
It’s worldwide Wear-A-Dress Day 2008!
Although, really, to provide people more of a possibility to take part (and as long as we’re producing our own occasions) why don’t we phone call it “International Wear-A-Dress WEEK 2008”?
I made a Flickr group for people to upload pictures to, it’s here, as well as I’ll try to publish excellent examples next week if people upload them, hint hint. (If you don’t want your gown blogged, please tag it DNB — for DO NOT blog — when you upload your picture).
I will most likely be using this dress.
For more about the genesis of worldwide wear A gown Day/Week, see the comments on this post.
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International wear A gown Day 2009 — Today!October 29, 2009With 83 comments
How Not To respond To CriticismApril 18, 2008
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