Under the Sea? Under the weather, a lot more like it.
Why couldn’t I have found this prom dress when I was in high school? Our senior prom theme was “Death By Jellyfish 1989!” This would have been PERFECT! I *so* would have been the Prom Queen in this number …
Click on the image to see the site of the Chinese importer of this dress. For all the good it will do you, as there is no purchasing or price information. (You weren’t going to get it anyway, were you? You’re just rubbernecking.)
(Y’all know I’m just kidding about “Death By Jellyfish” being my high school’s senior prom theme, right? The theme was actually “You think You’re going to have Sex Tonight, but You’re Not.”)
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Prom Time (circa 1989)April 20, 2007
Fear of the concern of FailureMay 1, 2008
Secret Lives of dresses Vol. 8September 13, 2006